Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Archive for the tag “birthday parties”

Seven Part 2

The party was a success…the kids had fun and left in what just may be called “full-out sugar-high” mode. Professor Atmosphere did a fabulous job keeping them all interested and engaged in the experiments, and nothing exploded in my house, which was my main concern :). I had had a minute of considering doing the party myself with ideas I had found on the internet, but seriously, hiring a real Mad Scientist was well worth the money. I highly recommend this company – http://www.madscience.org/

Carter said his favorite part was when they got to make the slime. I think my favorite part was when it was time for them to go outside for a few minutes and make and eat their cotton candy – who knew that those cotton candy cones also make fantastic swords?

Here’s a snapshot of our fun time –

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Carter turned seven yesterday. I’m pretty sure that when he was just a wee 6 pound, 5 ounce baby back on September 30, 2003, that I never imagined him as a seven year old. And yet, here we are. Seven.

When he was little and having birthday parties, Jeff and I used to gather all of OUR friends together to celebrate. On his first birthday, we even rented the clubhouse at our apartment complex in Florida to hold everyone, including the one other child that was invited, Chloe Mount. 

Over the next several years, the birthdays were held at our Florida house in the ridiculously large open living room.

When we moved to Stoney Creek, Carter told my neighbor that the reason we had left Florida was because he only had adult friends there…Which led me to enter the world of children’s birthday parties.

When he turned five shortly after moving to Ontario, we invited all the neighborhood kids over to our house. It was easy and manageable (and due to a hard drive computer crash and loss of many of my digital pictures, I can’t upload a picture of this one.)

Last year, I braved a bowling party. Let it suffice to say that I was overwhelmed by how much work it is to keep 15 (or was it 16?) hyper kids together at a bowling alley. The kids had a blast, me, not so much. I think this may have a bit to do with the fact that Mykah peed her pants as we were entering the building, and that this is not the best way to start off a night, but I digress.

This year I planned strategically. I decided to host his party at our house again, but hire someone to do a lot of the work…Enter stage-right, Mad Science of Hamilton! Tonight 15 kids between the ages of 3-9 will converge on my house to watch science experiments being conducted in my living room. Slime and cotton candy will flow freely. 

Ummmm….wait a minute. This was my brilliant idea?!?! I guess I’ll let you know how it goes!

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