Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

About Carrie Johnston


Some things you might like to know about me…

I have loved Jesus for as long as I can remember & I cannot fathom going through life without Him at the center of it all.

My husband, Jeff, is truly my best friend. I had no idea when I said “I do” 15+ years ago, what that would entail, but I have never regretted joining my world to his.

My children, Carter and Mykah, are the most amazing kids I could ever have imagined. Each day with them is the best kind of adventure.

I am super passionate about seeing people living abundant lives in Jesus in reality, not just in theory.

I have more amazing friends than any one person deserves. It’s really almost embarrassing.

I have a love/hate relationship with my gym, so I finally cut myself off from this unhealthy relationship. I am free!

Grocery shopping is therapeutic for me. Don’t judge. It is cheaper than therapy and tastes better when I get home.

I cannot believe that Jeff and I are now responsible for an entire church and wake up most mornings wondering how exactly this happened. Our church website is    http://mycalvary.life/ if you want to further check us out.

I love coffee but give it up for a few weeks every year to make sure I still can.

I am not a happy pregnant person and think I should receive a medal for going through pregnancy twice. We are a foster family now and I must say that it is the strangest thing walking out of the hospital in regular clothes, with someone else’s baby. This was the best way to have Baby #3 and then twin Babies #4 and #5….and all the rest yet to come live in our home. Fostering is the Hard Thing we have been called to for this season of our lives. Jesus calls us to do Hard Things through His strength. It’s the only way to love.

I am a dual citizen of the USA and Canada. It could also be noted the USA will not recognize this fact, as it wants me all to itself.

I abhor cleaning my house and would definitely hire someone to do it for me if I could justify the expense.

I encourage all of my single friends to join online dating sites. (just so I can help write the ensuing emails. Yes, it’s true.)

I exchanged my original wedding ring for one I liked better which will forever be a source of contention between me and Jeff. (also, sadly, true)

I am not a phone person and do not like talking on the phone for any reason. (It is truly a wonder I have any friends at all.)

I make it a habit to share my mistakes with people or I tend to take myself too seriously.

I really enjoy doing the announcements at our church every week, especially when in the middle of them, I realize I am missing crucial details or when I announce wrong information.

My parents are Gerry and Mary and my sister is Teri…and to this day my mother will still laugh and say she loves that we all rhyme.

I write occasionally on this blog because I need an outlet…and while I would much prefer my outlet to be a retail shopping outlet, this blog costs me less money. I’m on a budget, so I write.

One thought on “About Carrie Johnston

  1. Oh Carrie,

    How I miss you and your family. You have always been one for me to be encouraged by. I love that you have a blog that I can keep up with and know that some of the things I feel are normal and I am not alone. You are an amazing person. Thank you for pouring into me all those years ago. I will never forget those times and how you helped turn me into who I am today.


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