Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Archive for the tag “Superstore”

Deals make me happy

February 5, 2010 Superstore deals

Ok, so I posted a few days ago that I was going to be trying to become an even better “coupon-er”, and I think I’m getting the hang of this…

Here’s what I got for 17.94 today at the Superstore – Regular price would have been $89.20!

2 Ocean Spray 100% juice blends – regular price 4.19 each – on sale for 2.99 & I used 2 $1.00 coupons… which makes them 2 for 3.98! The coupon is here: http://www.oceanspray.ca/Products/100—Juice-Blend-Fruit—Veggie,-Cranberry-Strawberry-Banana.aspx Just look for the link on the page and then print to your computer.

2 Glade Ultra Room Sprays – 1.99 each = I used 2 $2 off coupons…which made them both free (1 actually made .02 cents!)

2 Glade Sense and Sprays  – regularly 9.99 each, on sale for BOGO Free…THEN I had 2 coupons for Buy one, get a refill for free, so I got 2 Sense and Sprays and two refills for …9.99 total (regular price – 30.96)

2 Windex Originals and 2 Windex Multi-Surface – this is AMAZING. They were BOGO free at the store and then I had 2 coupons that were BOGO free – so I got them ALL for FREE! (regular price – 15.36)

6 Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning gel kits – Also AMAZING. They were BOGO free at the store and then I had 2 coupons that were BOGO free – so I got 4 FREE with those coupons. Then I had 2 coupons that were Buy one S.B. Toilet gel and get a free Toilet Duck..so for the last 2 S.B., I paid for one at 3.99 and then got 1 free from the store and then got two FREE Toilet ducks! (regular price for all 6 Scrubbing Bubbles = 3.99 x 6 = 23.94, 2 Toilet Ducks = 3.29 x 2 = 6.58) – I paid 3.99 for all it!

I’m not gonna lie, I get a rush from getting free stuff…

Wanna get some free stuff of your own? Most of these coupons came from http://rightathome.ca/fhj_savings.aspx – Sign up today and then print the coupons on your printer. Take them to the store, use them, go home happy and then let me know how you feel to have saved so much money!

Steal of the week…

Superstore has a big BOGO free sale this week with some AMAZING deals. I went on Saturday and saved over $40 on BOGO free items including Finesse hair products, shaving cream, alfredo sauce,  yogurt, ground chicken, chicken strips, frozen shrimp and english muffins.

I also noticed that Multi-Surface Aerosol Pledge was on sale for only $3.49 (normally $5-$6). If you combine that sale with the BOGO  coupon you can get here: http://rightathome.ca/default.aspx?sC=1 , it makes it an unbelievably good price.

Happy shopping!


I had to make a quick trip to the Superstore last night. On my way in, I was totally preoccupied with getting in and getting out as quickly as possible. I was stopped in my quest by an older, er, gentleman (I use that term loosely), who was loudly questioning me while flailing his arms…

“Do you see any senior citizens parking?”

“Umm, no, sir, I don’t”, I said, after a quick look around at the many handicapped and expectant mothers parking spaces.

Then, I have to admit, I got a little scared, as he went on a bit of a tirade.

“I’m 67 and I work for all these years and pay taxes into the system. This parking lot must have been designed by Newfies!!!!” (I have nothing against Newfies, but apparently he does!)

Hmmmm… “OK, sir”, I say, as I pick up the pace into the store.

By now he had caught the attention of a guy walking into the store in front of me as well. This man kept looking at me with an expression that I like to believe said something like, “Can you believe this guy? If he takes one more step towards you, I’ll intervene.”

I hastily walked to the pharmacy which is where I was headed anyway. While I was waiting for my prescription, I just keep thinking about Mr. Irate.

Here are my top 3 burning questions…

What is happening in his life right now that is causing him to explode on innocent bystanders in parking lots?

Is he accustomed to getting to park in senior citizen parking spaces when he leaves his house? (I, for one, cannot recall EVER seeing a specially marked senior citizen parking space. However, I have lived in Florida for the past four years and I think it would be helpful down there to have spaces that say, “If you are NOT a snowbird, park here.”  🙂 )

And lastly,  I hope if our paths should cross again, I will have the guts to say to him what I was thinking on my way to my car, past the handicapped and expectant mothers parking spaces…”Hello again, Sir. I just wanted to let you know that I did not enjoy being pregnant and I am glad to NOT be parking in the expectant moms parking at this point in my life. Aren’t you glad that you’ve made it to 67 and don’t have to park in the handicap spot?!”

Perspective is everything!

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