Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Archive for the tag “ministry”

Long Overdue

We have just seen two full years at Kingsview Community Church (www.kvcommunitychurch.com) come and go. To be honest, it doesn’t even seem real that we have been senior pastors for that long already. I still feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of it all, but so honored to be part of such a wonderful community of people that love Jesus tremendously and care for each other deeply.

This fall promises to be the most exciting season yet during our tenure as pastors at Kingsview, and I just have to get some of my heart’s excitement out on paper, er, keyboard…

We are currently anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new children’s ministry pastor Heidi Jarrett and her husband Paul. They are right now in the process of closing up their life in Calgary, Alberta, in order to make the long trek east to Stoney Creek, Ontario to pour into the Kingsview kinds. At this point all I can say is… they cannot get here soon enough!

This past Sunday morning was our official fall launch, complete with a “chowtime” lunch afterwards. Poor Jeff…on Saturday night he seemed a little mope-y as he kept hearing from people that were not going to be able to be in attendance, and he definitely wanted the service to feel like a “Launch” and not a “Toss” into the fall! He didn’t have anything to worry about…there were 180+ in attendance!!!

The Women’s ministry just kicked off this past Tuesday night with our once-a-month Ladies Night Out. I told the ladies that the theme for our upcoming year is “Rest a Minute”. Sometimes we forget to breathe and take care of ourselves, and just enjoy each other…We hope to do that this year. When Jesus said in John 10:10 that He had come to give us abundant, full lives, I am pretty sure what he had in mind was different than the way we seem to be interpreting it. We often seem to think that this means to cram as much as we possibly can into each day, only to be in a frantic, hurried state all the time. We need to learn to live freely and lightly (Matt 11:28-29 Message).

This upcoming Monday 41 Women of all ages are launching into a 10 week Bible study, “Esther” by Beth Moore. AHHHHHHHH!!!!! I have been wanting to start a Bible study for 2 years and now is the right time, obviously. I would have been thrilled if 10 ladies had said “Yes” to feeding their spirits through an in-depth Bible study. I am now quite sure that the Lord is trying to teach me to have a little more faith! God’s Word is going to come alive in our lives, and I know it’s going to be sharp at times, penetrating at times, and definitely illuminating in our innermost places (Hebrews 4:12). Holy Spirit, do your work in us…ready or not, here we come!

On top of our monthly meetings and Bible study, we also have scheduled Saturday, October 23rd to be a one day, “Day Away”, appropriately entitled “Breathe” for all the Ladies. Then Saturday night, November 27th will be a wonderful concert with Mandisa and night out.

I could go on and on about all that is happening right now at the church…This upcoming Sunday is a Water Baptism Sunday…. The Marriage Small Group is running strong again with around 15 couples strengthening their marriages…. The Men’s ministry isĀ  meeting weekly for times of accountability and growth (I have never been invited to these meetings, however, so I can’t say for sure what actually is going on there! HA!), and is also looking to start a focused Bible study in the near future…Worship ministry is going strong, Volunteerism is up…see, on and on!

Thank you, Jesus, for the last two years of ministry and relationships at Kingsview…and thank you in advance for all that is to come!

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