Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Archive for the tag “budgeting”

Home Economics

I’ve always been a bargain-shopper and sporatic coupon-user as well. When I am planning on doing a big outlet mall trip or even a regular shopping mall trip, I try to search for discount coupons online. I saved a TON of money this past Christmas season with coupons that I found and used, and I was able to even share some of those coupons with friends that were shopping with me. This is truly my idea of a good time…I get a rush from saving money.

This week I realized that while I may be, according to my friends and family, an “amazing shopper”, I still have a lot to learn. I came across a few blogs this week of some of my new heroes…some truly AMAZING savers and home economists.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about shoring up our family’s personal budget and trying to be a bit more careful in those areas that are discretionary. I plan on doing more couponing this year and these are a few sites that I plan on visiting often to help me with this…Let the fun begin!

http://moneysavingmom.com/ – This site is UNBELIEVABLE, I love it…It’s hosted by a mom in the US though, so most of the actual deals that are posted are for the States. However, there is tons of other ideas and inspiration – definitely worth checking out.

http://www.mrsjanuary.com/ – this one is by a Canadian mom – check out the deals she gets with coupons. CRAZY!!!

http://www.save.ca – Sign up with them and get coupons sent directly to your home – All for FREE.

http://brandsaver.ca/en_ca/coupons/ – Sign up with them and get coupons sent directly to your home – All for FREE

http://www.gocoupons.ca/home.html – Sign up with them and get coupons sent directly to your home – All for FREE

http://rightathome.ca/default.aspx?sC=1 – Sign up with them and print coupons directly to your printer- All for FREE

http://printable-coupons.blogspot.com/2005/10/retail-coupons.html – this is the site I love for my outlet & mall trips in the U.S.

 Also, check out http://www.polkadotpantry.com/  this is a friend of mine’s new venture. It’s a service you pay a small monthly fee for, and if I lived in the US, I would definitely sign up, but there are some great free tutorials for newbies on there as well.

I just may decide to let you all in on some of my great deals in the future as well 🙂

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