Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Tooth Question

2 quick things…

1. My son has discovered my blog.

(Hi, Carter, for when you read this!)

I am nervous. Truly I am.

He did give me permission to continue to write about him and Mykah though, so I guess I will work through this in time.

2. My son lost one of his front teeth last Thursday.

He is nine and a half. It’s about time those front ones came out.

The tooth fairy did not come that night.

My son lost the other of his front teeth last Friday at school.

That night he had to write a special note for the tooth fairy that said something along the lines of “Dear Tooth Fairy, please leave me some extra money as I have now lost two teeth and then literally lost the second one.”, which he put with tooth #1 in a baggie under his pillow.

The tooth fairy did not come that night either.

She finally showed up sometime SATURDAY MORNING.

My mind is just boggled.

When I was a kid, this never happened.

Is anyone else having trouble with the “collector-of-the-teeth-and-the-leaver-of-the-money” lately?

Any good theories on this?

(See, Carter, I care that you are reading my blog and thought we should discuss with the kind people on the internet the deep dilemmas in our household these days.)

Thanks for your help everyone!

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6 thoughts on “Tooth Question

  1. Our situation was very similar to Karen’s. The girls would come down stairs and say the tooth didn’t come that night,so I would go and look, or as they were having breakfast I would try and make my way upstairs without them knowing, then tell them to look again. Seems the tooth fairy had a busy night and was able to make it while the girls were eating….

  2. At times the toothfairy’s tooth bag is way too full and to avoid a broken wing…. they must come back the second night. Apparently our house number was way too high, so we always scheduled for the 2nd tooth run.

  3. Karen Casey on said:

    I must tell you that when Sarah was in tooth losing days, I frequently would remember only the morning OF upon hearing cries of dismay coming from her room. I thought FAST! Grabbing a dollar, I would sprint into her room, skeptically declaring, “Let me see!” while pulling back the covers and flipping her pillow and planting the prize in my Ruse. ” How did you miss this?-: I’d question in disbelief, shaking my head! A great big smile would spread across her face and the tears would dry up and I would promise myself this would never happen again— and it never did…. Until the next tooth, that is!

  4. Word on the street is the tooth fairy has been hit with dementia. Poor old soul…

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