Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Ego Boost

We held our annual business meeting at Kingsview last night.

(And perhaps I should not broadcast this next statement for fear of ruining my chances at winning the title “pastor’s wife of the year”, but #1 oh wait, I don’t care, and #2, there is no such thing, so whatever. There you have it…)

In general this is not my most favorite night of the year.

I have attended these meetings for years in churches I have “membered” at. I have attended these meetings for years in churches I have “pastor’s wife-d” at.

I recognize the importance of these meetings.

It’s vital to present the annual ministry reports and the annual financial reports. It’s imperative that new board members are elected and to provide opportunities for members to ask questions as to the state of the church and the accounting notes.

I also recognize my lack of enthusiasm for these meetings.

Historically in churches I have attended, these meetings are, quite simply, quite honestly, BORING.

And I just don’t understand this.

WHY, OH WHY, must they be? Why can’t these meetings be upbeat and exciting? Certainly there can be challenges in our churches, certainly there are setbacks and sour moods and not-so-wonderful reports that must be reported, but shouldn’t we also find reason to celebrate what God has done over the past year?!

I am happy to say that this has become a bit of a theme for the Kingsview annual business meeting.

It can still be a bit stiff and formal at times. This is still the one meeting a year that I hear things like “There is a motion before us. Does someone second the motion?”.

But we also try to highlight how amazing God has been to us over the past year.

And there is smiling and cheering and celebration.

And I really feel you must know something else. The minutes from the previous year;s meeting were officially accepted last night. These minutes were included in the packets that were given out and available for all to read.

I kid you not, this gem was hidden within….

“9. Carrie Johnston is incredibly good looking, as specifically declared to the group by her husband. Carrie introduced the names of the new members to the KVCC congregation. ” …


So, I just wanted you to know that it’s official. I am incredibly good looking, as stated by my husband, as typed up my dear friend, Lis who took the minutes of last year’s meeting and as AFFIRMED BY THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP last night.

Thank you, Kingview, I couldn’t ask for a better church, and I look forward to next year’s annual meeting with you.

I seem to recall my husband declaring last night something along the lines of  “anything positive you feel about me is because of my wife”. I sincerely hope we get to accept that statement as part of the minutes next year!

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9 thoughts on “Ego Boost

  1. Hi, all is going sound here and ofcourse every one is sharing information,
    that’s really fine, keep up writing.

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  3. Lis DiFrancesco on said:

    Life is too short! (However, note that someone else was taking minutes last night!!)

  4. lois henry on said:

    carrie you crack me up!….we ladies here at KV are so privileged to have you, yes you carrie as pastor’s wife

  5. Anonymous on said:

    Wow Carrie, Love it, you are trully amazing

  6. Mary Gurney on said:

    AGAIN the giggles continue!!! How fun to be a part of your church body!

  7. I could have told you that you were good looking! But now it’s official.

  8. I’ll revise the minutes to ensure that comment is included!!!

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