Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Crafty Part 2

I am finally getting around to posting another of my recent attempts at craftiness…I’ve been wanting to “update” my house for so long, and since I don’t have a big decorating fund at my disposal, I’ve been trying to find some things I can do for cheap.

These signs were a perfect solution! All I did was buy some $2 canvases from the Dollar store, homemade modge podge (found the recipe on Pinterest), found a font I liked and printed the words on cardstock, carefully cut them out and then modge-podged them onto the canvases…New wall art for cheap! And I love seeing these visual reminders of my chosen life in my bedroom every day. The saying “I will forever love my choice…you” is especially meaningful to Jeff and I. It speaks to commitment and choice and effort, and the decision that we made to join our lives together over 12 years ago. We never want to forget that we choose each other for life.

Also, Those lamps were $10 thrift store finds. I spray-painted the nasty looking brass/metal angels and base to update the look…Now if I can only find some better lampshades! My plan had been to figure out a way to refresh the ones that came on the thrift store lamps, but, alas, the material was so old that they literally ripped apart. I still have the frames, so perhaps I will think of something to salvage them with. For now, the ones that are on the lamps are ones I already had and although they definitely leave much to be desired, they are at least functional (and paid for!).

What about you…any projects on the go?

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One thought on “Crafty Part 2

  1. Carrie! I love it. Did you also do the blue ottoman cubes at the end of the bed? I don’t remember them. I snoop on your Pinterest all the time :o) – Monica

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