Everyday Spectacular

Imperfections. Ramblings. Life to the Full.

Roosevelt Hunter

People die all the time. It’s the circle of life, right? In theory, I accept this. I know that this is how the world works. Unless Jesus returns first, every single one of us will die, sometime. But I think we all just walk around pretending we have lots of time, time to live, time to squander, time to love, time to procrastinate…and on and on and on.

A great man died last Monday. His name was Roosevelt Hunter. He was a husband, a dad, a friend, a mentor, a preacher, and so many more “titles”. He was the guy everyone wanted to be around because life was just so much better when he was there. He exuded energy and life and Jesus. He touched literally countless lives for the better. His funeral, no,wait, that’s not what it was called. His Celebration of Life service could have gone on for days if all those who could’ve shared his life’s impact had been given the chance to speak.

Hollywood does a great job of depicting heroes with superhuman capabilities and powers. Spiderman, Wolverine, and even Peter Petrelli give us a glimpse of what is possible through the eyes of our imaginations. They help us think in terms of the bigger picture…that the world needs saving by cosmic forces of good.

Real life heroes are often hard to come by. And yet, I think we all want and need heroes in our lives, flesh-and-blood heroes that show us how life can be lived in an abundant way, without the aide of made-up powers only possible through the help of special effects. We need to see ordinary people, people just like us, who are living life in a spectacular way, through the power of the Holy Spirit. These real heroes give us hope for our own lives.

For a bunch of years now, Roosevelt has been one of mine.

And in the wake of his death, I have a nagging internal thought…

“I want my life to really count.”

Yep, that’s it.

Sorry to disappoint you if you were waiting for me to write something super-profound. I know it’s simple and perhaps even a bit cliche. But it’s there, reminding me that each day matters, that how I am living my life matters. If Roosevelt showed us, showed me, anything, it’s to do everything with gusto, to be fully present wherever you are and to die with no regrets.

I plan on doing the same. You see, the world does need saving by cosmic forces of good.


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4 thoughts on “Roosevelt Hunter

  1. rima azar (Miss) on said:

    I was blessed today to be uintroduced to the great preacher Roosevelt;i happen to turn to DayStar Channel today& saw this man preaching…vibrant & powerful..with a sense of humour & a beatiful smile.He touched my hear from the moment i saw his program”In Memory” of his passing away.
    His preaching brought tears to my eyes and ,at the same time, he made me laugh! Faith works miracles.
    Am a Jordanian woman, A “Middle Eastern” as pastor Roosevelt described Jesus our Lordin the programme i watched a short time ago;i was born in the city of Jerusalem,in the Holy Land. Am a Christian and receive my strenght & power in my religion by listening to preachers on Daystar channel and others; am blessed to receive from where i live,the land of the Kingdom of Jordan.
    God Bless the soul of the late preacher and may God look after his ministry,family ,children & his congregation.

  2. I never personally met Roosevelt and I would have liked to have done so….I can see how easily he left his imprint on the people he came close to. “Nice to meet you Rho”…Eileen and his children have a legacy of love and purpose they should be proud and honored to have experienced.

  3. ilove you, carrie!

  4. Your life DOES count, my love… keep being the hero you already are =)

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